Saturday, August 16, 2008

Back to School 2008

Welcome back to The New School Year at TJMS. Teachers are working hard and learning new concepts to help make the upcoming school year new and exciting for TJMS students. In August, technology facilitators attended a conference and heard nationally renowed technology guru, David Warlick. These were some of the topics he spoke about which I shared with teachers:

Considered video games as a genre of literature? Students are learning from video games and more educators are looking at video as avenues of learning:

Students need to be exposed to the tools they require for the 21st century. Teachers need to be learning about "personal learning networks". Examples include, twitter, delicious, wiki spaces, and google tools. Check out David Warlick's Landmark for schools website:
This is an example of a web 2.0 website...

Twitter is to Blogs as google is to search engines...

Place to keep on-line bookmarks: will help you (under download videos) paste the web address of a u-tube video into a box and it will convert to a Windows media file and e-mail you as an attachment.